One Stop Billing, LLC - Your premiere medical billing service.

Our extensive billing experience and attention to documentation detail allows our team to effectively file clean claims, reduce denials, review and negotiate managed care contracts and more. We take out the complexities of anesthesia billing with our anesthesia-specific software. We take pride in our communication and collaborative skills that enable our team in working together seamlessly to face industry challenges.

We can show you where you’re losing money.

At One Stop Billing, we offer specialized expertise, personalized attention and a comprehensive service that is tailored to meet the unique needs of your practice. Our dedicated team of certified coders and seasoned billers with extensive experience in the anesthesia industry ensure that your billing is accurate and efficient. We work closely with your providers and team to ensure that your documentation is complete and compliant. We will work with your payors to negotiate contracts on your behalf. With One Stop Billing, you can focus on providing exceptional patient care while we handle the administrative burden of billing and collections.

146 Years Combined Experience

Our team stays up-to-date with the latest Medicare Articles and LCDs. We regularly attend webinars and workshops to ensure that we are always up-to-date on the latest changes and updates in the industry.

Additionally, we provide credentialing services to ensure that our clients are properly credentialed with insurance companies, which can help to increase their revenue potential.

At One Stop Billing, we are committed to providing the highest level of service to our clients. Our focus on anesthesia billing and our attention to detail ensure that our clients receive the maximum reimbursement for their services while minimizing the administrative burden.


Before my retirement, I had the pleasure of working closely with the employees of One Stop Billing. Their commitment to compliance, accuracy and attention to detail is beyond compare. Each member of this team is reliable, experienced and well-versed in the unique challenges of the anesthesia industry. Their devotion to detail is exemplary. Their clear and open communication skills are impressive, and they always made time to address any concerns I had. Throughout my career, I worked with numerous billing companies. Hands down, this group was the best decision my partners and I made in providing our anesthesia billing.

— HG - Director of Anesthesiology and Chief of Staff

This group turned my practice around. Right away I noticed and admired their communication skills and support and personalized service from the employees. The level of trust built from day one. They treat my patients as well as other facility employees with the same level of friendly, courteous service that they show me. They are willing to accommodate the special needs of my practice to be sure the workflow is smooth and efficient. They respond to my calls and emails quickly and professionally. They are only a phone call away and are always happy to handle any concerns that need to be addressed. They focus on maximizing my collections while allowing me to concentrate solely on my patient care. No looking back and no regrets!

— TS - Anesthesiologist